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Prepping for Success at the 6-Miler

Prepping for Success at the 6-Miler

Preparations are underway for the 500 Festival Mini Marathon, with nearly 1,500 runners participating in the 6-miler race to get prepped for May.

"All of the participants here are doing the 6-miler and that's in preparation and training for the mini marathon which is May 3," said Lindsay Labas, 500 Festival Marketing VP.

Labas emphasized the importance of events like these for training runners for the big race. "The training series is very important for participants because it helps them gauge everything they're going to do on May 3."

"Keep training, keep preparing, just trying to get you prepared for being on your feet that long," Labas advised.

The 13.1 Mini Marathon will take place on May 3.
